Saturday, August 4, 2012

Woman and Nature

This is a spontaneous poem I wrote at Noyes Camp before an art class called Women and Nature. The teacher suggested making lists of what connections there might be between nature and our bodies/spirits.

Water flowing under earth,
water through my cells, my blood,
in drops in the humid air,
the gush of birth, the sea, the tides,
ebb and flow, surge and stillness,
trickling down through layers
to a dark place,
the river changing and the same,
my life changing and the same.


from dewy to drying,
the warrior marks on my skin,
the scars on a tree,
the living flesh of beech trees,
the sap,
the bones of me.

The folds of history
in the rock,
in my brain,

the exhalation
the wind.